20 brave walkers showed up for our looped walk in Spancilhill last Thursday.
Our group was made up of mostly women so we argued that either the men were soft, or they had more sense and stayed at home out of the rain……..
Starting at the Spanchilhill Inn, we walked an 8.5 km loop passing some great sights like O’Brien’s Castle, O’Brien’s Lake, and the former Drumbaniff National School from 1890.

We arrived back to the start point just before the worst shower of rain, thankfully, and sone of the group made their way to nearby Barefield for some well deserved refreshments.
If you would like to do this walk yourself here is a link to the route.
One section of the walk is on a slightly busy road, so make sure to bring your high-viz.
Our next walk will take place on 8th February in Ardboula, Tulla – we will post about that soon!