On Thursday last 35 walkers came along to take a stroll through Killaloe and learn a bit about it’s ancient history.

Starting at St. Flannan’s Catholic church at the top of the town, which was the former site of Brian Boru’s Royal Palace of Kincora, we walked down the historic main street, along the Canal boardwalk stopping at the Pier Head and Tobermurragh. It was at this Well that Brian Boru’s son Murrough was said to be baptized.
From here we continued to Beal Ború (Brian Boru’s Fort), the homestead of Brian Ború, who became High King of Ireland in 1002. Breaking with tradition he chose to rule the country from Killaloe, making it the capital of Ireland for a period of 12 years.

This 5km looped walk was held in association with the College of Further Education, Scariff – “Researching Sacred Sites along the East Clare Way”, a part-time course for adult learners was run through the College of Further Education in 2021 & 2022. Tobermurragh and Beal Ború were two sites that were researched during this course, the findings of which were presented at the sites on the day.
Thanks to Colette and Cora for the great photos from the day.